Implementation in accordance with its competence of state regulation in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.
Monitoring in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, including for:
use and protection of subsoil;
protection and use of water, including the maintenance by water users of accounting of produced groundwater, withdrawn surface water and wastewater discharged into the environment;
air and ozone protection;
compliance with legislation in the field of waste management;
observance of the regime of protection and use of natural territories subject to special and (or) special protection, as well as compliance with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in relation to specially protected natural territories;
implementation of measures to prevent pollution of groundwater in the application of fertilizers, operation of filtration fields, sludge sites, waste disposal facilities, storage of industrial waste and other potential sources of groundwater pollution;
compliance with instructions and (or) rules for the operation of treatment facilities, as well as water management systems and hydraulic structures and devices;
compliance with the rules of reclamation of disturbed lands;
compliance with legislation on environmental protection during the construction of facilities;
the implementation of mitigation and adaptation to climate change;
compliance with the regime of economic and other activities in water protection zones and coastal zones, as well as compliance with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts for water protection zones and coastal strips of water bodies.
Coordination of the activities of territorial and other departments of other government bodies, local executive and administrative bodies, organizations in the field of environmental safety, environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, including the subsoil.
Interaction within its competence with local executive and regulatory authorities in solving environmental issues.
Participation in the implementation of international, including cross-border, cooperation on the activities of the inspection.
Providing state bodies, other organizations and citizens with environmental information, organizing the promotion of environmental knowledge, participation in the creation of a system of environmental education, education and training, interaction with public organizations (associations).