Monitoring the compliance of legal entities and individuals with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the field of the protection of atmospheric air, the ozone layer, water resources, and the use and protection of subsoil (groundwater).
Participation in the organization of development of territorial integrated schemes for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.
Participation in organizing local environmental monitoring in enterprises and organizations of the city, in planning and organizing environmental certification.
Implementation in accordance with the established procedure of verification of compliance with legislation on the protection of the ozone layer, including verification of compliance by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with licensing requirements and conditions stipulated in special permits (licenses) for carrying out activities related to the use of ozone-depleting substances.
Coordination and control of work on the implementation of measures for the removal from circulation of ozone-depleting substances and climate preservation.
Participation in the organization, coordination and control of activities to reduce the negative impact of emissions of pollutants from transport on the environment.
the implementation of state environmental protection programs in terms of the protection of atmospheric air, water resources and the protection of subsoil (groundwater);
the implementation of environmental measures developed by enterprises to reduce emissions (discharges) of pollutants into the environment;
meeting the requirements for the prevention of environmental pollution and other.